The IEDM European Institute of Micronutrition gives the following definition of Micronutrition: "Micronutrition consists of satisfying the micronutrient needs of the individual, through a diversified diet, associated if necessary with personalized supplementation. It is based on research carried out on the proven links between diet, health and prevention."
Micronutrition focuses on the impact of micronutrients on health and aims to optimize the micronutrient status of the body in an individualized way. She therefore chooses to look at the precious molecules that are on our plate and the way our body uses them. It takes on its full dimension today with a diet that is characterized by an increase in caloric intake to the detriment of micronutrient density. This is also called " empty calories ".
Schematically, we find in our food :
from macronutrients which provide the energy and strength needed by the body. These are fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
from micronutrients which play no energy role but whose role is fundamental for the functioning of all metabolisms. These are vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids but also flavonoids, amino acids, probiotics...
All these elements give the nutritional value of the plate.
What are the fields of application ?
They are numerous and are interested in many situations in consultation ; as examples we can cite :
digestive disorders : assimilation of food, comfort and digestive transit , allergies, intolerances, intestinal permeability problems
the prevention of overweight, support for the treatment of overweight and its cardiometabolic complications
mood and sleep disorders
eating disorders
smoking cessation
healthy food : how to adapt your diet for your daily well-being and long-term health
the fight against aging and degenerative diseases
nutrition of sport : optimize athletic performance, training tolerance and recovery
the prevention of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome
preventive nutrition for osteoporosis and states of fragility
What are the fields of application ?
They are numerous and are interested in many situations in consultation ; as examples we can cite :
digestive disorders : assimilation of food, comfort and digestive transit , allergies, intolerances, intestinal permeability problems
the prevention of overweight, support for the treatment of overweight and its cardiometabolic complications
mood and sleep disorders
eating disorders
smoking cessation
healthy food : how to adapt your diet for your daily well-being and long-term health
the fight against aging and degenerative diseases
nutrition of sport : optimize athletic performance, training tolerance and recovery
the prevention of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome
preventive nutrition for osteoporosis and states of fragility